Ancient Sea Reptiles Is Out Now

Plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs and the other sea-going reptiles of the Mesozoic seas are among the most fascinating and awesome animals of all time. But if you want a comprehensive, well-illustrated book that reviews them all… well, you’re out of luck, since no such volume exists. UNTIL NOW.

Pouches, pockets and sacs in the heads, necks and chests of baleen whales

Way back in 2010, I published a series of articles on the various pouches, pockets and sacs (virtually all of which are laryngeal diverticula of one sort or another) that exist in the heads, necks and chests of mammals. I never finished that series.

The Amazing Caecilians

I have elected to republish my articles on caecilians. (1) Because TetZoo always needs more amphibian coverage. (2) Because caecilians are awesome. The text you’re about to read - assuming you choose to continue - first appeared in 2008 (original here); I haven’t much updated it. Here we go…

Tetrapod Zoology at the United Nations Science Summit 2022

Today (September 27th 2022), I’m speaking at the United Nations Science Summit panel Knowing and Protecting Life on Earth Starts with Natural History and Science Innovation

I don’t have time today to talk about the presentation itself (that will come later), but I make several points: on education and outreach, on accessibility of knowledge, on the importance of a historical approach to natural history, and on the universal appeal of amazing animals to all people of all backgrounds. I’m one of a team of people on this panel; the others are highly respected experts on biodiversity, conservation and nature writing: namely Dr Ursula Valdez (tropical avian ecologist and trans-cultural educator), Dr Tom Fleischner (author and director emeritus of The Natural History Institute), Dr Dita Cahyani (marine biodiversity scientist and innovator), and Dr Nalini Nadkarni (forest canopy pioneer and conservationist). The panel was arranged by Dr Seabird McKeon and Dr Michele Weber, and will be led and convened by Dr McKeon.