Time to review another zoo: this time, ZSL Whipsnade!
“There’s no such thing as a pure herbivore”, the tortoise’s eye view…
Another belated book review! Yes, let’s look at…
How’s that long-term effort to review all the passerine bird groups of the world going, huh? Well, it’s not going well at all. So….
Oh bigfoot… I want to believe…
Let’s talk about Malawania!
Just a brief announcement: my next book - Dinopedia: A Brief Compendium of Dinosaur Lore - will be published by Princeton University Press later this year, and here’s a tiny bit of information about it…
Of Nannopterygius, Grendelius and more…
You’ve surely heard the recent news that a group of amateur researchers in Tasmania – led by a Mr Neil Waters – claimed (on 1st March 2021) to have photographed a group of living Thylacines Thylacinus cynocephalus….
I’ve often said that turtles (in the broadest, Americanesque, sense of the term) haven’t been sufficiently covered at TetZoo. Even today this remains true, despite efforts…
A (belated) review of one of the saddest and most remarkable tales in modern museum history…
It’s time to review the Migo once more…
On a terrifying ‘sea giant’ of the Cornish coast…
Yes, it’s true — on January 21st 2021, the blog Tetrapod Zoology marked its 15th birthday…
December 2020 saw the release of the Netflix series Alien Worlds, a four-part exploration of imaginary alien life. The series is science-led throughout and incorporates world-class CG creature effects in addition to real world explorations of the various biological and evolutionary phenomena discussed across the episodes. Sophie Okonedo narrates.
Well, we did it. Opting not to hold a physical face-to-face TetZooCon 2020 for obvious reasons, myself, John Conway and Sharon Hill decided to make TetZooCon 2020 a zoom-only affair, and thus it was that TetZooMCon happened on Saturday December 12th, 2020.
Announcing the first ever digital Tetrapod Zoology convention!
Yes, more unusual takes on ceratopsians; let’s see where this goes…
There was once a time when horned dinosaurs were given a very, very odd look….
Yes, it’s time once more to look at the convoluted and unusual tale of a real-life, supposed modern-day plesiosaur carcass…