Darren and John discuss sexual selection in dinosaurs, the morality of The Thing and the perpetual debate on what is canon. Live Twitter (hashtag #tetrapodcats, typo deliberate) questions include a very serious question from Mark Witton and invasive species during the Cretaceous. Thanks to all those who donated, and put the podcast in profit, we're going to Vegas! (No, we're not.)
Episode 4: Tetrapodcats Jurassic Snark
In this shambolic episode Darren and John do a little Bigfoot followup, and then ramble on about movies. Surprisingly, there's some good podcastin' on Jurassic Park in here, as Darren picks it apart, piece by tiny piece. Also a live listener question on Alien.
Daniel Loxton and Donald Prothero's Abominable Science!: Origins of the Yeti, Nessie, and Other Famous Cryptids.
Sharon Hill's discussion of our Bigfoot episode on IDoubtIt.
Episode 4 Delayed
Sorry to all those who rely on us keeping a regular schedule to set their atomic clocks by, but the 4th episode of the podcast will be delayed for a couple of weeks. This is due to Darren having a cough, and then being away. Obviously, this is a little frustrating because the last episode was delayed due to me (John) having the flu. Blame this endless winter.
In the future, I'm thinking about ways to get the show on a reliable regular schedule. Probably the best thing to do is record several episodes in one sitting, when we both have the chance. Obviously, this would reduce the topicality of the show, but I suspect that's not why people listen anyway.
So, we'll have an episode for you shortly after Darren returns on the 14th. We'll be discussing follow up to the Bigfoot show, so, if you have any questions or comments you'd like us to cover, let us know!
Episode 3: Featuring the Features of Bigfoot's Feet
After a long delay for illness, a silly delay in post-production, and another delay for top secret reasons, the Tetrapod Zoology Podcast Bigfoot Special is finally here. To make up for it being so late, it's a whopper. Links:
Anton Wroblewski points out the Skookum cask is consistent with an elk lay. Another page with pictures.
The stabilised Patterson-Gimlin footage.
Episode 2: A Murderous Tit's Got Your Tube-nose Jesus
In this violence-filled episode, Darren and John discuss crocodiles attacking elephants, murderous tits, tubenosed seabirds, listener question Andrewsarchus vs. Arctodus, and finally manage to talk about the same version of Little Shop of Horrors.
Episode 1: The Prequel
In the the very first episode of the Tetrapod Zoology Podcast, Darren and I discuss azhdarchid pterosaurs, plesiosaur phylogeny, peafowl, glassfrogs, Prometheus, and the sorry state of prequels.