Heptasteornis, My Beloved; Alvarezsaurids in Europe, the Backstory

Among the most fascinating of Mesozoic theropods are the alvarezsaurids, a mostly small-bodied group of maniraptoran coelurosaurs characterized by modified, ‘pick-like’ forelimbs, a lightly built, shallow lower jaw, tiny, simple teeth and elongate, slender hindlimbs…

My Weird 2000 Paper on Tree-Climbing Dinosaurs

Every now and again – speaking here as someone who’s published some number of articles, books and technical papers – I find it worthwhile to look back at the things I’ve published in the past. For whatever reason, I’m doing that a fair amount right now, and right now I want to talk about a peculiar short paper I published in 2000…

A New Theropod Dinosaur Assemblage from the Older Part of the English Wealden

What, you want more new theropod dinosaurs from the English Lower Cretaceous? Today sees the publication of our group’s ongoing analysis of theropod diversity within the Wealden Supergroup of southern England, and the results are pretty neat if I say so myself…

Post-Truthism, Brian J Ford’s Aquatic Dinosaurs, and the Fate of ‘Too Big To Walk’

Late in the afternoon of Friday November 8th, my paper ‘The response to and rejection of Brian Ford’s Too Big to Walk, a 21st century effort to reinstate the aquatic dinosaur hypothesis’ saw digital publication in Historical Biology (Naish 2024)…

The Third Edition of Naish and Barrett's Dinosaurs: How They Lived and Evolved

Among the proudest of my achievements is the publication of Dinosaurs: How They Lived and Evolved, DHTLE for short, co-authored with Professor Paul Barrett and published by the Natural History Museum, London. I think it’s fair to say that it’s the flagship ‘dinosaur book’ of the museum. It’s also one of only a handful of dinosaur-themed books written at ‘adult level’. “Finally, a modern, intelligent, trade book on dinosaurs for thoughtful readers”, to quote a reviewer at Quarterly Journal of Biology.

Alan Feduccia’s Romancing the Birds and Dinosaurs: Forays in Postmodern Paleontology

For something like four decades, Dr Alan Feduccia of the University of North Carolina has been arguing that everyone is wrong about dinosaurs….

Discovering 'Hidden' Diversity Within Wealden Spinosaurid Dinosaurs

Over recent years, myself and colleagues at the University of Southampton have published a series of studies on the spinosaurid theropods of the English Wealden Supergroup (Barker et al. 2021, 2022, 2023a). And we’ve succeeded in improving our knowledge of Wealden spinosaurid diversity. But wait — there’s more!